Vascular Laser Treatment

REDuce Redness and Remove vascular lesions

The most effective and powerful Laser for
vascular lesions on legs and face.
Vascular Laser provides a fast and effective way to reduce and remove vascular lesions and diffuse redness.


What Is a Vascular Laser?

Vascular lasers use light to target and destroy unwanted capillaries and blood vessels of the skin. The laser wavelength is chosen to selectively target the abnormal blood vessels only, sparing the surrounding normal skin structures. When used properly by trained practitioners, the procedure is extremely safe and effective.

At Sonder , we use the Long pulse Nd:YAG 1064nm which has a Unique Dynamics technology with utmost precision, efficacy and safety for vascular lesion treatment. The most effective and powerful for vascular lesions. The most complete handpiece for all types of
vascular lesions on legs and face.1.064 nm Nd:YAG with short/long pulse combined.

The 1,064-nm Nd:YAG LASER is the gold standard in the treatment of vascular lesions of different sizes and depths. LongPulse® revolutionizes technology because it combines, in a single handpiece, short and long pulses, high energy dose and multiple spot sizes, thus offering an even more complete therapeutic approach: from rejuvenation and facial vascular lesions to deep vascular lesions and up to 4 mm thick.

The Long pulse Nd:YAG is an extremely versatile system allowing treatment of a wide range of vascular conditions on all skin types.

How Does Vascular Laser Work?

Vascular lasers work by delivering specific light energy that coagulates the blood within the vessel, causing the ‘broken’ capillaries to shut down and be reabsorbed by the body.

Laser light energy targets and damages these blood vessels to make them less visible on the skin surface. The procedure involves short bursts of laser light damaging vessel walls. The damage to the vessel walls causes them to break down, and thus, become less noticeable or even invisible. Areas around the blood vessels are unharmed.

What Concerns Does Vascular Laser Treat?

Laser treatments are now a routine procedure for the removal of many types of vascular lesions. Our vascular laser can treat a variety of unwanted vascular concerns including:

  • Redness of the face and neck

  • Rosacea

  • Redness associated with Acne scars

  • Telangiectasias (facial capillaries)

  • Angiomas (benign growths made of blood vessels or lymphatic vessels)

  • Spider Veins

  • Vascular malformations such as port-wine stains

Vascular laser has also shown promising results for improving active acne and also leads to the generation of collagen in your skin all while aiding in scar remodeling.

what is the pre treatment care t0 prepare for Vascular laser?

  • Avoid all alpha hydroxy and beta hydroxy products (AHA/BHA), hydroquinones, retinols/retinoids, aspirin, Tazorac, Differin, and Vitamin E products for 3 days before your treatment.

  • Clients should come to their treatment with clean skin in the area to be treated. Avoid extended sun exposure or tanning for 1 week prior to treatment.

  • Clients who are darkly tanned or sunburned should wait at least 2 weeks before being treated in order to avoid additional skin damage.

  • Avoid application of self-tanning lotions for 3 days prior to treatment.

  • If you are prone to cold sores, take an anti-viral medication (such as Valtrex) prior to your treatment.

  • Clients who have used Accutane within the last 6 months CANNOT have laser skin resurfacing.

  • Clients should not perform any physical activity that increases body temperature or blood pressure immediately before or after laser treatments.

  • If you are prone to histamine (allergic) reactions inform your esthetician prior to receiving any laser treatments. before treatment with the vascular laser

what is the post treatment care for Vascular laser?

  • Avoid extended sun exposure or tanning for 1-week post treatment.

  • If blisters occur, do not puncture. If skin is broken, apply an antibiotic ointment until healed.

  • do not pick at any lesions as this will increase the risk of side-effects.

  • Tylenol is recommended for post treatment discomfort.

  • You may apply cool towels, ice packs or aloe vera to alleviate discomfort due to heat.

  • Avoid any additional laser treatments or chemical procedures on the treated area for at least 2 weeks post treatment or until complete healing has occurred.

  • Use of a broad-spectrum UVA/UVB SPF 30 is critical when receiving laser treatments and is recommended for ongoing maintenance.

    • Patients on high doses of blood thinners or aspirin should not receive this treatment.

    • Patients with poor circulation (diabetics), or using small doses of blood thinners or aspirin, may experience increased bruising and slower healing.

    • Discontinue use of blood thinners or aspirin 1-week pre and post treatment, if approved by your health care practitioner.

    • Veins will be red and bumpy post treatment.

    • Mild to moderate bruising in treated area may be present for 2-6 weeks.

    • Avoid strenuous activity for 48 hours post treatment to ensure optimal result. For treatment areas larger than a 4x4 patch, elevate the area 4-6 hours post treatment.

    • Schedule a follow-up appointment 6 weeks post treatment.

    • Most patients require 2-3 treatments, scheduled 6-8 weeks apart, to achieve the optimal result.

    • This treatment is ideal for crepey skin on the neck, decollate, underarms, and stomach.

    • During treatment, treated area will be hot and tender.

    • You may experience residual redness, tenderness and minor swelling for up to 48 hours post treatment. A series of 6-12 treatments spaced 1-2 weeks apart is recommended for optimal results.

    • During treatment, pigmented areas will turn ash grey and fade to red. Over the next 2-3 days pigmented areas will darken to about 2-3x the original color.

    • Pigment will “scab” and begin to flake off within 5-7 days.

    • DO NOT pick off “scabs” as this will cause hypo-pigmentation and scarring.

    • Most patients require 2-3 treatments to achieve optimal results.

    • Schedule a 1-week follow-up treatment to help exfoliate excess pigmentation.

    • Regular spa exfoliations and at-home use of a skin lightening product is highly recommended to maintain results.

    • The best way to minimize the risk of side effects is to avoid sun exposure for 7 days pre and post treatment.

    • Provide your technician with an accurate and up to date medical history in order to receive a safe and effective treatment.

    • Side effects are temporary and uncommon but may include;

    • Hyperpigmentation (darkening of skin), hypopigmentation (loss of skin pigmentation), mild to moderate burns or blisters, temporary redness, follicular edema (little pink/red “puffiness” and small bumps like “goose bumps”) swelling and itching in treated area, bruising, and a lack of desired results.

Want to know if Vascular LASER is suitable for you? We offer complimentary consultations so you can have a full consultation with our team and get to ask any questions you may have.

This procedure is only provided by a medical professional who has been fully trained.