Summer Ready with Sonder PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)


How to reduce your Stretch Marks in time for Summer.


You may have heard of the Vampire Facial or PRP Facial? Kim Kardashian and Angelina Jolie rave about it. But did you know that it’s an innovative skin treatment that helps treat so many skin concerns that other products and treatments can’t do?

Not only is it a great way to rejuvenate your face, but it also helps with reducing stretch marks. Before we get into all of its benefits, let’s find out more about the procedure itself.

What is PRP?

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a highly effective treatment in helping you erase the signs of ageing. PRP makes use of the patient’s blood, where platelets can help you undergo a skin revival with results that surgery can't achieve.

The PRP process

The procedure involves extracting blood from our patient, using a centrifuge to spin the blood, separating the platelets, then reinjecting or dermal needling the concentrated platelets into the treatment area.

Why Platelets?

Platelets are the cells that release ‘growth factors’ – regenerative and healing substances that contribute to younger-looking skin.

What’s involved?

At Sonder Private Clinic, the first part of PRP treatment is similar to a blood test. Our expert specialists will simply draw blood – usually not more than 30ml, though the exact amount needed will depend on the area being treated. Combined with the time the blood spends in the centrifuge and then the careful reinjection, the whole process will take about 60-90 minutes. After the procedure, there may be some bruising, but this should subside over a week or two.   


What are the benefits of PRP?

PRP has proven to be a natural alternative to improve aged and wrinkled skin using your blood, returning youthfulness to the face and body. Not only that, but it also helps with all types of skin concerns including stretch marks.

Is the vampire facial safe?

The Vampire Facial is safe if the treatment is provided to you by a trained professional. At Sonder Private Clinic, our Doctors and Registered Nurses are the only staff who are permitted to do this procedure.


Can I exercise afterwards?

We advise to rest up for up to 48 hours to avoid excess sweating. Let your treatment area recover to ensure you have the best results.


PRP for stretch marks

Are you dreading bikini season? You’re not alone and we can help. Did you know that our Sonder PRP Facial can help with stretch marks? The word facial may throw you a little, but we perform PRP on parts of the body that have skin concerns that may benefit from this treatment.

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What exactly is a stretch mark?

Stretch marks are coloured streaks on your skin that appear after rapid weight gain or loss. Essentially your skin stretches to accommodate for the extra weight and shows through these marks. The sudden changes to your skin cause the collagen and elastin to rupture, and as the skin heals, stretch marks may appear and usually a red or purple colour but turn into silver marks over time.

The main reason why you may develop stretch marks is due to pregnancy, rapid weight gain or loss, or weight training and a fast increase in muscle growth.

The best treatment for stretch marks is our Sonder Gold PRP Treatment as it targets the area with your own platelets and extra nutrients.

Sonder Gold PRP Treatment

The Sonder Gold PRP treatment is the ultimate in skin treatments for skin rejuvenation. Taking the benefits of PRP and including an injectable form of Hyaluronic acid and other vitamins and anti-wrinkle ingredients to boost your results.

 Who can benefit from this?

The Sonder Gold PRP boosted treatment can help with stretch mark reduction, scarring, sun damage, hyperpigmentation and reduce the signs of ageing. This treatment will help lessen the signs of ageing as the powerful meso process will plump up the treatment area providing a boost to your skin. It will leave it feeling and looking rejuvenated with the immediate delivery of powerful elements to nurture the skin, delaying signs of ageing.

Contact Us Today

Want to learn more about how we can help reduce your stretch marks in time for Summer? Contact us today to find out more or book in for your first treatment with us at our Brisbane clinic here.